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Top Ten Server Virtualization Technology Considerations

Filed under: White Papers & Books
SWsoft, a provider of both operating system and hardware virtualization products, has an interesting whitepaper titled "Top Ten Considerations for Choosing a Server Virtualization Technology".
This top ten list provides key guidelines for honing in on the differences between hardware virtualization, para-virtualization and operating system virtualization, and it attempts to help you understand the basic options and limitations of each virtualization approach.
While reading the whitepaper, keep in mind that it was written by SWsoft, so it will obviously tend to favor its own solution. However, it does give a good overview of these various techniques and does provide a lot of useful information, especially if you are just starting out and trying to make a decision for your own environment.
It writes:
The playing field for server virtualization has become much more crowded over the last few years. Competition is always good for a market as more choices always push vendors into providing better products at more competitive prices. It can be very time consuming to digest each vendor's marketing materials to come to the right solution for your organization. This checklist provides a list of the main considerations and basic differences between the technologies to provide a starting point for technology evaluation. The three main technologies discussed in this analysis are: hardware virtualization, para-virtualization and OS virtualization.
And the ten considerations include: management tools, virtualization level, performance, density, platform support, migration, resource management, isolation and security, intended virtualization deployment and a capabilities and performance comparison.
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